Part 1 - Wealth Beyond Worry Intro - 1 Million Kingdom Promoters in Business and Government by 2045

About Wealth Beyond Worry – An Introduction

PART 1 Video Intro

PART 2 Video Introduction

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Friday December 6th, 2024

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Podcast Part 1 –—Wealth-Beyond-Worry-Intro—1-Million-Kingdom-Promoters-in-Business-and-Government-by-2045-e2rvh68

Podcast Part 2 –—Wealth-Beyond-Worry-Intro—1-Million-Kingdom-Promoters-in-Business-and-Government-by-2045-e2rvhcq

Part 1 – Wealth Beyond Worry Intro – 1 Million Kingdom Promoters in Business and Government by 2045

Welcome to our online and offline meeting introduction to Wealth Beyond Worry online and offline meetings for Business and Government Leaders.

See you between Tuesday, December 10th to Tuesday, December 17th, 2024 for our maiden one-on-one meetings in Listening, Advising and Praying (LAP) targeting initial 70 Business and Government Leaders, 7 Hours daily for 7 days via online conference and offline meeting at Gombe Jewel Hotel, Wuse 2 Abuja.

Listen in to part 1 and Part 2 of this video, take note and take action!

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

To register follow this link –

Wealth Beyond Worry Coaching, led by Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe, is a transformative wealth-building community focused on empowering 1 Million Christian Kingdom Promoters from the Government and Business Leadership sectors by 2045. Through a dynamic mentorship approach that includes blueprints, insightful books, engaging seminars, and a unique Listening, Advising, and Praying format, participants are guided until they achieve their financial goals. Monday, an entrepreneur, ICT expert, and minister of the gospel, firmly believes in the potential of every individual to attain financial freedom when fueled by passion and a drive to succeed. He emphasizes that the prosperity gospel must be complemented with a detailed, practical blueprint for success in all facets of life.

we specialize in empowering business owners and leaders in the government sector with practical, groundbreaking blueprints and dynamic mentorship. Our mission is to help you realize your wealth-building aspirations, whether for your enterprise or your country, using principles rooted in Christian values and sustainable practices.

  • Transformative coaching tailored for business leaders and governance needs
  • Practical strategies for sustainable wealth creation
  • Dynamic mentorship to navigate challenges effectively
  • Christian-centric principles guiding your journey
  • Empowerment strategies for both individual and national growth

Join us on this inspiring journey to redefine your approach to wealth and sustainability!

P.S – Strictly by confirmed appointment.


Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

Wealth Beyond Worry Series

Four (4) Scriptural References for Reading, Meditating and Contemplating in Real Life Applications for His Glory

Mishlei (Pro) 10:22 CJB
[22] The blessing of Adonai is what makes people rich, and he doesn’t mix sorrow with it.

Mattityahu (Mat) 11:28-30 CJB
[28] “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Mattityahu (Mat) 5:13-16 CJB
[13] “You are salt for the Land. But if salt becomes tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except being thrown out for people to trample on. [14] “You are light for the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. [15] Likewise, when people light a lamp, they don’t cover it with a bowl but put it on a lampstand, so that it shines for everyone in the house. [16] In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.

D’varim (Deu) 8:11-20 CJB
[11] “Be careful not to forget Adonai your God by not obeying his mitzvot, rulings and regulations that I am giving you today. [12] Otherwise, after you have eaten and are satisfied, built fine houses and lived in them, [13] and increased your herds, flocks, silver, gold and everything else you own, [14] you will become proud-hearted. Forgetting Adonai your God — who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves; [15] who led you through the vast and fearsome desert, with its poisonous snakes, scorpions and waterless, thirsty ground; who brought water out of flint rock for you; [16] who fed you in the desert with man, unknown to your ancestors; all the while humbling and testing you in order to do you good in the end — [17] you will think to yourself, ‘My own power and the strength of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.’ [18] No, you are to remember Adonai your God, because it is he who is giving you the power to get wealth, in order to confirm his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as is happening even today. [19] If you forget Adonai your God, follow other gods and serve and worship them, I am warning you in advance today that you will certainly perish. [20] You will perish just like the nations that Adonai is causing to perish ahead of you, because you will not have heeded the voice of Adonai your God.”



Holy Spirit, breath the breath of life upon these words of Yours with the sole intent of repentance resulting in obedience to that SPECIFIC one (1) individual that this word is meant for this morning for Your glory and our blessings in Jesus name Amen 🙏

Good morning friends, our outreach to 70 + Businesses and Government officials for 7 days, and 7 hours per day are strictly for those struggling, or needing divine intervention and fresh new perspective that ONLY the Spirit of God can bring to a desperate situation or circumstances as we are sensitive and make ourselves available for Him to flow through us to the desperate situation.

We are meeting YOU both online or offline at Gombe Jewel 💎 hotel now called Custodian Hotel

Remember, we are still open to Listen, Advise and Pray (LAP) if you do not fall into the above category(ies). You will all have to book by calling in, emailing and more importantly following the link in this post to register, giving us brief details and this process automatically captures the vital element into our database for an ongoing follow-up until a turnaround is experienced. This is not a hit and run is going to be an ongoing follow-up – We promise you that.

We have
NO LIMIT geography or territorial coverage and NO LIMIT sector coverage because the Spirit of God is more than capable and limitless as long as we don’t limit His operating capacity and put Him in a box of our Limited thinking.

God said to Abraham, “As far as you can see, and do not violate my Word and Will, I will give it to you.” ( Genesis 13:15) Paraphrased

Also, it is for those who have a passion to promote the kingdom agenda as led by the Spirit and those who have never done so in the past and have a DESIRE to do so according to the order of Deut 8:18 and Matthew 6:33 if God comes through for them.

It is one-on-one and confidential.

Come, knowing that God has your back as long as you are willing and able to be selfless as He is selfless in any endeavor whatsoever

This is not for the crowd because everyone is unique just like their cases. God is absolutely not a cloner.

In the future, we are open to work with church leaders who can organize their people for this event. This is the first edition and will continue till as long as the Spirit of God continues to RELEASE to us the capacity for this outreach.

Shalom to you and have a great and successful Day!

Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries ( GEM) 💎

wealth building, wealth creation, wealth management, wealth beyond worry, wealth beyond worry series, kingdom building, kingdom first, kingdom promoters, advancing his kingdom intentionally, advancing the kingdom of god, advancing the kingdom, ambassador for christ, ambassador monday ogbe, gods eagle ministries,, business success, business coach, business coaching programme, government coach, government coaching programme, part 1, Business leadership, Government Leadership
